Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bumps, Bruises, Getting Back Up, Parent/Teacher Meeting

With Monday being a holiday, sweet pea was ready and raring to go back to school after the long weekend. On Tuesday, I dropped sweet pea off and then delivered her little sister (pumpkin) to her first day of daycare. All day, I was worried about pumpkin, hoping she was making the transition OK and enjoying her new teachers. When I went to go pick up pumpkin, she gave me a huge hug and a happy smile. I knew right off the bat she had a fantastic time.

Pumpkin and I made our way to pick up sweet pea and when I laid eyes on her I knew she had a BIG tumble at school. Scratched nose, swollen upper lip, bruised knee and scratched up elbow. I went to go ask her teacher what happened she said she didn’t know what happened. With prompting, sweet pea was able to tell me that she got run over while on the playground and was taken to the office to get cleaned up.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Grader In The House! First Week Of School

Sweet Pea, all dressed in her navy blue pants and white collared polo is over shadowed by her enormous new pink and orange polka dotted backpack with matching lunch bag. The lunch bag contained a thermos filled with Indian chana masala and rice, champagne grapes, pretzles/banana/chocolate chip trail mix, and water. Before leaving the house I quickly grabbed some glitter decorated orange colored construction paper from our craft box and scribbled “We love you so much! Mama, Daddy and Cordie” and stuffed it in her lunchbox. I hoped some kind adult or older kid would read her the note during lunch.

We arrived early to find parking in the little residential neighborhood filled with cute homes and cottage gardens. Sweet Pea isn’t nervous at all and surprisingly I’m not either as we (me, daddy, baby sister, nana, and sweet pea) approach the entry way of her new school. Excited yes, nervous no.